Friday, January 13, 2012

Does God hate Pittsburgh?

After Sunday's loss of the Steelers to the Broncos, I read a Facebook post that stated, "God may love Pittsburgh, but He loves Tebow more. #ChildofChrist."  Now it could have been many things, including the number of drinks I'd consumed, but it shook my snow globe.  Could this be?  Does God really love Tim Tebow more than Pittsburgh?  Hmm.  Before resigning myself to a life where God doesn't love my favorite city, I had to examine some things...and sober up.

Given that this Facebook poster was clearly defining "God's love" as the ability to win at sports, I had to at least consider it; I mean, we'd just lost and Tim Tebow just won, if that's not clear evidence of who God loves more, I'm not sure what is.  So I started to think back over past years...evidence of God's love for Pittsburgh is quite obvious...we have more Super Bowl titles than any other team in the league, including two in my lifetime, the Penguins have won three Stanley Cups, all in my lifetime, and the Buccos?  Well, they didn't leave town after God took Barry's ability to throw a ball to home plate away, so let's count that as a win.

Then it happened, early in 2011, Sidney Crosby suffered a major, if not catastrophic, concussion, the Steelers lost the Super Bowl and the Pirates kept, well, being the Pirates.  I think it was further evidence of God's disdain for us Yinzers that we were led, albeit briefly, to believe that the Pirates might finish above .500.

2012 hasn't proven to be much better for the 'burgh, the Steelers lost to the Broncos (and call it Divine or not, but I do believe it was a Mercy Killing) and the Penguins haven't won a game yet this year.  Perhaps we Yinzers have done something to the Gods, particularly those Gods of  Hockey.  I have to wonder, maybe our sudden recognition for something more than sports (think: Most Livable City, Better than Portlandia, Batman) has caused us to be a bit arrogant.  Maybe Karma isn't in our favor because Matt Cooke and James Harrison hurt people?  No, it must be Big Ben's sexual misconduct.  (You know, since he's the only one in the league to have ever done this, it's easy to pin Pittsburgh's lack of Godly love on him.)

Oh how the mighty have fallen...

***STOP THE PRESSES- I was just informed that when discussing God and Tebow only one God exists and he is of the Christian variety. So, even in jest, please strike Hockey God(s) from the record.  Also, Karma is not real.***

Then I began to think about Troy Polamalu.  Polamalu is a devout Orthodox Christian and is seen crossing himself after big plays...did he just not pray hard enough last Sunday?  Did Tebow pray more?  And what about Ryan Harris, a do we know it wasn't his prayers that got the Broncos their victory?

Or better yet, how about religion has NOTHING to do with the outcome of a sporting event?

Tebow can be admired for many things...mostly being able to (sometimes inexplicably) complete passes while on a giant piece of green grass, but also, yes, for his extensive charity work.  He does great things for families in need, much more than many players who make quite a bit more money.  I have to say, it'd be even better if some of those people he helped weren't those who believe exactly as he does...perhaps invite a kid who's gay and being bullied to the charity suite?  Oh!  And there's what I don't admire about Tim Tebow.  His alliance with Focus on the Family is enough to knock him off my Pro-Athletes to Admire list.  I do respect him for having such strong convictions and he is a nice diversion from the womanizing ways of Brady and Ben, but why we don't talk about Drew Brees for 24-hours straight on ESPN then?  And Brees has already proven he can play NFL football.  Still, I'm not sure any of this has to do with what happens on a the field or God's love.

And about Pittsburgh?  I say we're still in God's good graces.  If it weren't for the great doctors in Pittsburgh, Chris Pronger (a father of 3) may have taken a hit that cost him more than a season of hockey and Sid may have ended up like Eric Lindros.  Speaking of Sid, how about this story out of the 'burgh today?  All of the Penguins wearing make-shift C's on their jersey to show their solidarity for their teammate...that's love.

Photo Credit: Pittsburgh Penguins 

And finally, about Pittsburgh returning to it's winning ways?

I think we'll be okay...God willing...and Let's Go Bucs.

AP Photo/Tribune Review, JC Schisler

1 comment:

  1. Interest to read. Thanks For Update. Pls Update More news Variable Data Printing with Printing
